When can baby chicks eat meal worms and treat block?

Sorry to get a bit off topic I just wasn't sure what thread I should go to. I have 4 hens 2 pullets and a cockerel. The pullets and cockerel are still on their starter feed but while I was introducing the them to my 4 hens I had them all in my big run where I keep my hens. I took then hens later feed out but there were still some crumbles on the ground and my cockerel ate some of them. He appears to be fine
Sorry to get a bit off topic I just wasn't sure what thread I should go to. I have 4 hens 2 pullets and a cockerel. The pullets and cockerel are still on their starter feed but while I was introducing the them to my 4 hens I had them all in my big run where I keep my hens. I took then hens later feed out but there were still some crumbles on the ground and my cockerel ate some of them. He appears to be fine

Yeah, don't worry, it won't hurt him. But many folks just feed all the flock the starter feed until pullets come to point of lay. It won't hurt the adults at all to eat starter for a while.
Again, in a mixed flock it's much easier to feed a single all-flock feed instead of trying to balance layer feed with a non-calcium feed. Many of us have stopped feeding layer feed all together, and just feed everyone all-flock grower. Laying hens will get all the calcium they need as long as you provide oyster shell free choice on the side. Layer feed is totally unnecessary if you do this.
Once they have grit in the crops they should be fine - you can give them the grit from day one. You can also toss a sod of grass (soil n all) into the brooder - this will also help with giving them the grit they need. Grit you can add to feed, scatter on the brooder or put in a separate feeder - or all of these.

Any treats should constitute no more than 10% of their total feed on any given day. Personally, i don't give them any treats since their food has all the nutrients they require for healthy growth.

Thank you. This was very helpful. When can I give them a half of a blueberry?

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