When can chicks go outside?

Nate Caskey

In the Brooder
Sep 16, 2017
I have some 3 week old chicks and I was wondering when I can take them outside to play. During the day her it is about upper 50s. Is that to cold for them or will they be alright?
I have some 3 week old chicks and I was wondering when I can take them outside to play. During the day her it is about upper 50s. Is that to cold for them or will they be alright?

We have 4 chicks and they are only 1 week old, any time the weather is warm we take them out for 15-30 minutes. THEY LOVE IT!!
I have some 3 week old chicks and I was wondering when I can take them outside to play. During the day her it is about upper 50s. Is that to cold for them or will they be alright?
I have some 3 week old chicks and I was wondering when I can take them outside to play. During the day her it is about upper 50s. Is that to cold for them or will they be alright?
Sometimes my chicks are on pasture (confined of course) at 3 days old on those temps. Noting out warmest days of the year are around 65. But it's MUCH warmer in the sun than ambient seems.

It partly depends on how many there are... as they can huddle together for warmth when they get to cool. Having a little huddle box, usually opening facing south for sun exposure... they will usually use it as a safety and huddle shelter. It helps block wind and such.

However... short period for the first few days to gain some exposure to the bacteria in your ground, they will be exhausted when they come in for bed at the end of their longer days. Another option for some exposure, usually much younger... is bringing in a plug of grass/dirt for them to play around in. The first day, I always supervise pretty well to make sure everyone finds their way to the box and such. But with them being such social animals, if one gets separated from the group they usually are VERY loud and frantic to get back with them. Beware of crows/raven as they will steal chicks! I figure hawks and others are already well known as chick predators. having shade available is still important. My huddle (cardboard) box usually provides enough either inside or on the outsides where the shadow of the box casts.

Hope it's a wonderful adventure! :wee

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