When can I introduce new chicks to older chicks?

The little ones were with the bigger ones all day yesterday. At dusk when the bigger ones went in to roost the little ones wouldn't go in, I had to put them in one by one. Today I was out working around them all day and I'm sorry to report that one of them got killed when I wasn't near by. Tonight at dusk it was the same story, the little ones wouldn't go in so I set the brooder up in the run. I don't think they were readying yet.
thatstinks.Pretty much the same results I had at that age I think the chicks don't have the survival instinct to run away or fly up and roost. Mine would cower in the corner at that age and allow the big chickens to continue pecking them. I say the only certain way to do it is wait until they are almost full grown. Mine are slightly smaller now and still get bullied but I don't think they would be easily killed
Mine are getting rather big for the brooder and are starting to fight with each other so we tried introducing them to the flock. They got pecked a little but I really think they'd have done fine if not for our 14 week old cockerel. Ugh Our adult roo was great and even kept the pullets off them some. They had their box to run back to for cover but that cockerel just wouldn't leave them be, so now they're in a dog crate taking up space in the coop why they get used to each other. Lol
I know I'm going to have too many boys. I was trying to wait until we have a second coop to put this other boy in but we haven't had time lately to work on it, and these chicks are growing up fast!
The chicks are kind of crowded in the brooder but I will take a little over crowding over dead. I'm going to give them a couple more weeks to develop their survival instincts.
I have 2 naughty juvenile roosters that I'm trying to decide when to put in with the girls. If I put them in sooner rather than later, will they be gentlemen later in life?
I'm thankful I bought my adult roo. He's awesome! I don't know how to deal with cockerels. My husband's ready to put him in the stockpot, but I see excellent qualities for later and he's not people aggressive. We shall see.

As far as your question, I always hear that it's best when they're introduced young.
Cockrels sometimes are just too full of themselves! My chicks go out to the coop is a separate area at about four weeks. When they are six to eight weeks old, the doors are all opened, so the adults go out to free range, and the younglings start to explore, first the run, then the outside. The cockrels get corrected by the hens and learn about polite behavior. With enough space nobody gets hurt. I don't have game breeds, and no Silkies, frizzles, or Favorelles. Also no RIRs or other really tough guys. Mary
Just be sure to watch them very closely for a good week. I don't know how old your cockerels are but if they're too young the hens could kill them. It took mine 3 days to decide to attack the little ones. Now at going on 12 weeks they aren't nearly as hard on them
We went out of town and our teenagers got to put up with chicks in a dog crate inside their coop. Hahaha
That's where they're staying until the integration happens. I may lock the big ones in the run and let littles run in the coop during the day too.

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