When can I rehome a duckling?


9 Years
Jul 9, 2010
San Diego
I have a pekin duckling that just hatched this morning. I have the parents and their first hatchling that I am keeping but I cant afford to keep anymore with how much these suckers can eat. (my husband is starting to frown upon the fact we spend more $ on animals ford then our own food) So I am going to have to find a home for the duckling that hatched overnight and any future hatching which shouldn’t be too hard. My only worry is I don’t want someone who plans on eating it (since it is a heavier duck people would commonly eat)

My main question is when is a good time to rehome them? Of course I will be making sure its not going to a home that wants to “try out” ducks for there kids or something I will want an experienced home. Is the day they are born too soon to a good experienced home? I don’t want to get attached to it, which I WILL!!! I don’t want to wait too many days o its harder for them to socialize it… Any advice?
You can sell it the day it's born, as long as it has a similarly aged friend to go along with it.
That's what brooders and heat lamps are for.

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