When can I take mom away?


9 Years
Jun 2, 2010
My 2 chicks are 9 weeks old now, and getting pretty big. They seem to fight each other and their mum for food these days. She still sits on them at night though.

When can I take her away and put her back in the main run with the others? Am I best waiting til she stops sitting on them at night? I'd really like to get them separated in the next few weeks so that I can get her back with the others and so that the chicks can go off to their new homes.

Any advice appreciated!
9 weeks they would be fine alone, i let a broody raise babies in her run with her rooster, even at 4 months they would go under her! they didnt need to tho. she only kicked them out when she went broody again.
You can take the mom away now, they don't need her and they are at the age where they should be feathered out enough and not need to be sat on at night
Brilliant thank you
Typical British weather, was scorching hot the other day, now we're back in winter, so I'll wait a few days til the weather is a bit nicer (so they don't get too cold the first night she's gone) and then I'll put her back with the others. Do you think the others will be OK having her back- she's always been with them until she hatched the eggs.
I would put them ALL back with the others. That way the others can get used to the "teens" while they're under mama's protection. Then she can also continue sitting on them if she wants to.
Do you think that would be OK? That would be great, then I'd get their run back now which would be helpful. Guess I could give it a try and see how it goes...will keep you posted, thanks
Well I don't know how aggressive your chickens are, but I just reintroduced my broody with her nine 8-day-old chicks and everything went really well. A few of the hens came over and pecked a baby, then promptly got attacked by Broody. They keep their distance now.
The two reds can be pretty nasty sometimes, they were horrible to the Orpington when I got her, I couldn't leave her in there with them so she lived in her own little run and freeranged all day. It was only when I started to let them all out at night, and she kept going into the main run, eventually they settled down. They have had these chicks right next to their run since they hatched though so should be used to them, and there are two of them and a protective mum so will try it - will let you know how it goes!

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