When Can I Transfer to Coop

I agree it is better to keep them all together, for two reasons. First, for socialization. If you separate them now, they will need to get re-acquainted later, causing stress. But two, more importantly, more bodies stay warmer. Thay huddle for warmth. Three chicks won't keep each other warm enough if you put them outside without the others. Good luck!
I've had chickens, mostly roosters sleep in the carriage house for one reason or other over the years. They probably found it because a light was on and the door was open.
One doesn't notice a nights worth of feces on pine shavings in the coop but they become obvious covering workbenches and power tools.
3 weeks is too young for 30F unless you have a heat source out there.
I would start by removing their heat lamp in the house to allow them to begin acclimating to cooler temperatures.
I actually decided to evict them from the brooder last weekend (at 4+ weeks old) and transferred them to their coop. I managed to rig a couple of heat lamps beneath the coop to provide heat during the night. I gotta say, they couldn't be happier. Only thing now is getting them to "learn" going up into the coop at dusk, as I'm still needing to transfer them up by hand yet. They've definitely gotten the concept of coming down in the morning now, which is pretty fun to watch.

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