When can my chicks go outside to thier "Eglu Cube"?

GreenSpirit Hydro

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 22, 2008
My chicks are about 5 weeks old now. When can they go outside? I am on the coast of SC where day time temps are about 70-80 and night time temps are 50-60. Thanks..
I am no expert so I hope that you get your answers! I would think that your temps are fine for them to go out now, as long as they are feathered out. Are they still on heat?
I am needing the answer also because I have 32 almost 7 week old chicks in my livingroom who have been off heat a week now, I would like to get mine out also. Can anyone tell us?
They have feathers, but are shedding a lot ( I am hoping this is normal). The heat lamp is on a timer to run late at night, but I don't think it is even needed anymore as they are inside my business in a climate controlled room w/ no drafts.
At 5 weeks old they can handle 70 to 75 degrees, maybe a little cooler as long as there isn't a draft.
Mdove, yours should be fine. Just watch for drafts.
I put mine out this past weekend, and they were 6.5 weeks. It was plenty warm enough here, with lows around 70 and highs around 85. Now they're 7 weeks, and the weather got real icky yesterday and especially today. We ran an extension cord out to the coop so we could put their heat lamp out there while the weather is cold. So far they are doing fine. They even wanted to run around outside after it started to rain, so I locked them in the coop to keep them warm and dry. I don't want to take any chances with them being so young.
Mdove....looks like yours and mine are the same age. Do you have a heat lamp out there, or any way to set one up? We put one out there yesterday with a long extension cord. I would be uncomfortable putting them out there in 40ish degrees without some kind of heat. I made sure to put down lots of shavings because they like to dig a hole into them and sit in the hole
I'm sure it helps them stay warm...or they can dust-bathe in it, or whatever...

You have 32 of them in your living room? Wow, I have 17 and I was sooooooo ready to send them out...LOL.
If you only had one and a drafty coop, I wouldnt put them out, but if you have a coop with out drafts and that many bodies, they will be fine at 7 weeks if they are fully feathered. At this point if momma raised them, they couldnt all fit under her so they just huddle together if they get cold. They do have a down coat on with those feathers.

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