When Can We Eat Our Eggs?

The Accidental Coop

In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 30, 2008
Central East Coast of Florida
May seem silly....Our Bantams chicks have just started laying eggs
. Today I switched their food to layer feed from the medicated baby chick crumbles.

I have thrown away the first eggs because of the medicated feed. How long do they need to be on the egg layer feed before I can eat the eggs?

So I was so uninformed I didn't even think to wait!!! Enjoy and when you are over run with banty eggs
pickle them Yummy!!
From other posts I've seen on this subject I believe the frequent answer is 'unless someone in the family is allergic to the antibiotic in the feed you can eat them anytime, otherwise (or if you arent sure) don't eat any of the eggs for 2 weeks after the chickens have been on normal (non-medicated)feed.'
If it's medicated chick starter, it does NOT have antibiotics in it. It is medicated with Amprolium to prevent cocci. I believe it is a thymine? blocker. I have eaten eggs from hens that have eaten medicated chick starter and nothing happened.
Nor have I. Not chick starter anyway.

The thing to do here is to check the tag on the feed bag and know for certain rather than guessing.

If it's only Amprolium then you can eat the eggs right now.

Manna Pro Medicated Chick Starter.

Check out the detail description. It's "•Medicated with Amprolium and BMD to aid in the prevention of Coccidiosis" BMD is of course Bacitracin, which is an antibiotic.
I just had this rundown with quail starter that was medicated with the same thing (the BMD, and it used to be medicated with Amprolium). PLEASE check your labels and do not put blanket statements on medicated feeds. It only causes confusion and can cause problems for some people, possibly killing their birds or even making people sick if they eat the birds/eggs, who knows!
ok forgive me on all this stuff.. and it's all stuff....I hate to tell you this unless you eat everything organic.. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING ORGANIC. You have eaten this antibiotic and so much more...Please let me know if you have had any growths that glow or any extra fingers and toe's. Relax.. checked with the pharmacist here at work.. and those additives unless eaten in absolute huge quantities over a very long period of time, will not harm you in anyway shape or form. Did you know that soybeans have more additives than chicken feed?

Now go have a nice day!!
Dan Viger
Hollis Center Maine

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