When can you tell sex of Blue Wheaten/Wheaten chicks?


May 19, 2020
Jeff City, MO
I have some chicks hatched out of Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Bantams that I'm itching to know sex on. I'm used to sexing single comb breeds, so these guys are new to me. I love that males and females will ultimately be different colors, but I'm impatient. At what point can you start reliably saying they're pullets or cockerels? And at what point will blue wheaten vs wheaten be apparent?

Blue - chick hatched 5/24/2021; photographed 6/18/2021

Green - chick hatched 5/24/2021; photographed 6/18/2021

Purple - chick hatched 5/24/2021; photographed 6/18/2021


Yellow - chick hatched 6/3/2021; photographed 6/18/2021

First two look wheaten, third looks potentially blue wheaten. Wait some longer on the last. First three look like pullets!!
I agree, the first three are looking like pullets. I have two wheaten mixes, the pullet had color like your first three and the other that turned out to be a cockerel, had the darker color in the wing like your 4th chick does. Mine got black feathers in the chest before his comb got red

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