When chickens start getting white poos does that mean they will lay eggs soon?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 26, 2012
My 4 chickens are doing white and brown poos and I was wondering if that means they will be laying eggs soon?!
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No. The white you see is uric acid, which is basically very concentrated urine. You'll probably notice that sometimes there's more, sometimes there's less...

Some things to look for in pullets getting ready to lay:
  • Wave your hand near her. Does she quickly squat with her wings up? That's the "submissive squat" and pullets who are ready to mate, and thus ready to lay, do this. It puts her in position for the rooster to mount her.
  • Pick her up, turn her over and look at her vent. If it's dry and puckered, she's not getting ready to lay. If it's wide and looks like a horizontal line and is moist, then expect her first egg very soon.
  • While you're holding her, feel around for her bones that are on either side and just up (towards her head) from her vent. They feel like two bumps. These are her pelvic bones. If you can fit two or three (depending on the size of your fingers) fingers side by side between these bones, she's very close to laying. If you can only fit one finger between them, then she isn't close yet.
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