When did YOUR chickens start laying?

White Leghorn / Blue Orpington cross - 19.5 weeks
Aracauna - 25 weeks old and hasn't laid yet
Black sex link - 25 weeks old and hasn't laid yet

I am amazed that some don't lay until 36 weeks! Yowza!
I think my Red Sex Links began laying at 15 weeks a few days, all were laying around 17 weeks.

My BR's both started laying around 23 weeks. They still aren't laying one egg a day yet.

I believe one of my Buffs is laying but I'm not positive. I think she began at about 26 weeks.

Still waiting for my other Buff, my EE's and my Welsummer who are all going to be 27 weeks Monday.

I love that your hen is concentrating on this. I need a little more concentrating from my girls.
The EE, Faverolles, Ameraucana, Top Hat, and Wyandotte were all laying at around 20 weeks. The Brahma, who matured the most slowly (kind of like the "runt" of the litter) just started laying this week, at almost 27 weeks.
Oops. Sorry. The Brahma started laying this week at just under 25 weeks (not 27).
Today I found an egg on the coop floor. Our first egg from these new girls.
Partridge Chanteclers - 23 weeks, 2 days

I showed off the egg to my husband and then placed it into a nesting box. Sure enough, by the time I was done chores a hen was in there concentrating hard.
So we are on the way.
My flock is being encouraged to concentrate. They are quickly aproaching the 20 wks. The girls are 3 bar rock and 2 astralorps.
The concentating method has produced the following results...
The girls are creating fine nests.
One gal that decided to crow. This is a definate hen.
Acting in a way that suggests maturity.
They appear to be concentrating.
Yet alas we have not produced the prize.
However I will continue to encourage them to concentrate as we have made significant progress using this method.
How is the concentrating working for you?

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