When did your hen(s) lay their first Eggs?


10 Years
Jan 29, 2009
Martin County, NC
At what age did your hen or hens lay their first eggs. My oldest are 11 weeks so I am so anxious to find my first eggs. Put up as many breeds as you have and their age in weeks. Thanks

I told my husband we likely wouldn't see eggs for at least 5 or 6 months if not longer and he was all
about it, lol. And then we'll be going into winter and I'm not planning on doing anything artificial with the lighting, so my thinking is it'll probably be next spring before we really start seeing any eggs.

I could be wrong, of course, but I like to think on the conservative side.
Oh, no! You are doing the Egg Watch thing. Knock it off or you will go CRAZY!

My Austrolorps started laying at 20 weeks. Cochins around 22 weeks. By 26 weeks, pretty much my entire diverse gang was up & running - Except the Silkies. One girl did not lay until she was about 10 months old.
Our latest group of pullets:

Red Sexlink and BRs - 20-22 weeks
EEs - 23-24 weeks

I have had them start as early as 18 weeks
My first hen to lay was 19 weeks old at the time. The last two to lay were 9 1/2 months (36 - 38 weeks) old. All the same breed. They are very much individuals.

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