When did your Production Reds start laying?

May 24, 2020
Warrensburg, MO
My Coop
My Coop
I have a production red that is 16 weeks old and looks like she is ready to lay, but she hasn't found much interest in nesting boxes and doesn't squat. A friend of mine got a production red from the same hatchery as I did, the same week even, and her pro red started laying this week. I think that is somewhat unusual/early. What are your experiences with production reds? Will mine be close to laying too?
All chickens lay at different times even if they were hatched same day, same week etc. Although I think production reds might lay a little earlier so yours should start laying very soon.
She will most likely start soon probably a couple weeks. Before she’s about to lay her first egg she will start acting different, she might start making noise and being a lot more talkative, she might be going in and out of the nest boxes etc. You’ll most likely be able to tell when she’s about to lay so get ready it could really be anytime now.

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