When do Buff Orpingtons start laying?

Y'all who had them lay at 18 are so lucky!! My first set of BO's did not lay until 25 weeks and that was ALL 8 of them!! My newest set are 21/22 weeks and still have very little pinks combs and show no inclination of laying anytime soon.
since I am relatively new to buffy's laying habits I am unsure how to tell rooster and hen. you say to look at their comb and wattles? they are now 21 weeks and I got 2 eggs so far. also, their combs looks still pink while others looks redder. i think the roosters have a long back tail????
since I am relatively new to buffy's laying habits I am unsure how to tell rooster and hen. you say to look at their comb and wattles? they are now 21 weeks and I got 2 eggs so far. also, their combs looks still pink while others looks redder. i think the roosters have a long back tail????
I have three Buff Orpingtons that are 25 weeks old but no eggs. One of them has a big comb and wattle and is bright red so I'm expecting any day now; The other two have much smaller combs and wattles but all are the same age. I guess we just have to be patient like a good parent.
Our three buff orps are 29 was and haven't started yet. The other girls are just starting...2 of the 3 barred rocks, one of the 2 australorps and one the ameracaunas are laying regularly. 4 eggs a day so far.
I also have 3 buffs all born March 15th. One started laying at 30 weeks. One laid for the first time on Dec 1 and the other doesn' have a comb or waddle yet. So you can see its a long time before they start laying. The ones that are laying lay two days and skip the third. They are big beautiful brown eggs and the hens are just gorgeous. I let them roam in the back yard with a chain link fence with no problems. I just love them but their are probably better egg layers but I wouldn't trade them for any other breed.
do oyster or egg shells in there food help
my buff orpingtons are turning 18 weeks tomorrow does anyone know a tip to make them lay faster does sunlight helt certain food space i have no clue

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