When do ducks begin to mate?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 3, 2010
I'm a new duck owner. I feel very accomplished just getting them to 3 months old. I'm still not sure that they are of opposite sexes, but I went out the other afternoon and found duck feathers everywhere! I mean it looked like we had a duck feather storm! We don't really have preditors here and they are in a 12x12' welded wire habitat, with a roof. Both of my ducks were swimming happily in the pond. I can only assume that maybe one got frisky. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks
My ducks are second generation and both them and their parents started trying to breed at about 5 months. The drake feathers were very pronounced on both my drakes by 3 months. Now anytime they hit the water my drake is trying to breed. I have caught him trying to breed with my goose also.

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