When do Easter Eggers start laying?

I have several EE's that I hatched on March 21st, and two of them just started laying last week. I have so many chickens that I didn't know which ones were laying and which ones were not. I thought they all were because I am getting a lot of darker Marans colored eggs. They are a cross between a pure Ameraucana and Wheaten Marans. This pic shows the two different speckled green eggs: You can see the Olive green eggs, those are what I was getting before the blue speckled eggs started showing up last week.
Those are beautiful! I have 2 EE that are 16 weeks and 4 days. One of their faces is a little redder than the other. I also have 4 golden buffs which I expect to start within the next 3-4 weeks. They are all squatting and very red faces and combs. BR's reddening up (probably next) anf BO's will be 3rd. They are still pretty pale but growing like weeds! Have some Marans coming in June from Meyer and I can't wait! I'm so envious of your eggs!!
I ordered my chicks from Meyers Hatchery. My 3 Barred Rocks and 1 Rhode Island Red are laying, but not any of my EEs. They are all 21 weeks old. Hopefully, it will be soon.
I have 3 easter eggers, but only one is laying. Received them from Meyers Hatchery December 17th. Should I be getting worried? My EE are at the bottom of the pecking order, and am wondering if this has anything to do with the fact they are not laying.
Finally getting eggs from my EEs. Two out of the 3 are laying beautiful greenish eggs. One of my Barred Rocks turned out to be an egg eater. I gave her away, and now I'm getting 5 eggs a day from my 6 remaining hens. Broke my heart to get rid of her, though someone adopted her as a pet.
We got EE as babies in April one year and they laid their first egg on Christmas Eve. The following year the same exact thing happened. This year we got chicks born on March 1st. Hoping they will lay sooner although the Leghorn's frill looks much more mature than the Easter Eggers'.

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