when do hens start laying?

I printed your post with a pic of an egg at hen level in my coop LOL Our 2rir 1black sex link 2 red sexlinks and 4 white leghorns are 13 weeks The rir and red sex links faces are starting to turn red( well hot pink maybe) This is worse than dw was with child
I have 10 chickens that are 13 weeks old now. I've noticed in the past week that my 2 white plymouth rocks have really developed the "wattles." One of the white plymouth rocks is the "head hen," as all of ours are pullets.

Also in the past week our New Hampshire red has really developed. She has the biggest comb of any of our chickens and her comb & wattles have turned a bright red. Really beautiful.

Like I said, they are only 13 weeks but it's exciting knowing what will be coming in the next month or so

The combs and wattles aren't fully developed but are going red. I'll keep an eye on them and throw a golf ball in their nest box to encourage them!
Most of mine began to lay around 6 months. However, I had 2 EE's that didn't start until past 8 months of age, but they both lay Jumbo eggs, so I guess the long wait was worth it!
My RIR is 19 weeks with full comb and wattles but no sign of eggs yet. No, she isn't a roo - no pointy feathers, thin legs, no crowing or sex drive, lol. The other RIR, same age, has a very little comb and wattles the same as my 15 week BO's and BSL's. I have no idea when to expect eggs especially with the difference in growth patterns with my girls. I guess I'll get them when I get them but I can't help but be anxious!
My black Australorp started laying at 17 weeks and then stopped until 20 weeks. She has laid an egg every day now for a week. The size of the eggs are getting bigger each day. It's so exciting! One of my RIR just started laying last week at 21 weeks and my black sex link started too at 17 weeks. It's weird how they all start at different ages and these three has the largest waddle and comb of the 8 girls I have. I'm just excited 3 of them are laying now. I filled my first egg carton
Good luck!
I'm glad i just found this post. I did a search for pale combs because i was worried my girls were too pale. Now i see that it's normal and i can't wait to see them redden up.

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