When do I start to worry??


Nov 25, 2022
DFW Texas
So my 4 pullets are 22 weeks old today. We got our first egg (adorable fairy egg) from one of our EEs last Wednesday. Then nothing until this morning we found a slightly larger broken soft shell egg. The shell was almost clear so I couldn’t tell if it came from the same chicken or not. 3 of my girls are squatting and allowing pets now which my kids love. They are being fed Nutrena 18% all flock. All the nesting boxes are being fluffed up by them daily. Not to mention the holes in their yard.

So how long between eggs is normal with first eggs? When should I worry?? I was expecting to see fairy eggs and soft shells so I’m not worried about those. Just want to make sure my girls don’t get egg bound.
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So my 4 pullets are 22 weeks old today. We got our first egg (adorable fairy egg) from one of our EEs last Wednesday. Then nothing until this morning we found a slightly larger broken soft shell egg. The shell was almost clear so I couldn’t tell if it came from the same chicken or not. 3 of my girls are squatting and allowing pets now which my kids love. They are being fed Nutrena 18% all flock. All the nesting boxes are being fluffed up by them daily. Not to mention the holes in their yard.

So how long between eggs is normal with first eggs? When should I worry?? I was expecting to see fairy eggs and soft shells so I’m. It worried about those. Just want to make sure my girls don’t get egg bound.
It may take a few days to a few weeks. Mine took about a week and a half to lay another egg after starting. I dont think their egg bound but i might be wrong.
3 of my girls are squatting and allowing pets now which my kids love.
Tell them they are now your chickens' roosters as squatting signals submission for breeding by the rooster.
They are being fed Nutrena 18% all flock
And oyster shell on the side?? All flock does not offer enough calcium for active layers. They need free choice access to oyster shell.
So how long between eggs is normal with first eggs?
They haven't yet laid a normal egg.

I would get the oyster shell out in separate containers near the feeders/door ways in/out of the coop or run. Whichever is high traffic. I would then mix a handful of oyster shell with a spoonful of Greek yogurt and plop dollops of this around their area on flat rocks then put a dollop of yogurt in the feed tray of the oyster shell dispenser on top of the OS to encourage them to check it out and use it.

No one is egg bound. They would be lethargic and walking hunched up. They have immature reproductive systems. Once they fully mature, things will even out.
With new layers it can take several weeks to get that second egg.

An egg bound bird will look sick. They hunch up and don't move around normally.

As @DobieLover said now is the time to put that dish of oyster shell out for them.

No harm done as new layers have enough already in their bodies to carry them through several first eggs.
Tell them they are now your chickens' roosters as squatting signals submission for breeding by the rooster.

And oyster shell on the side?? All flock does not offer enough calcium for active layers. They need free choice access to oyster shell.

They haven't yet laid a normal egg.

I would get the oyster shell out in separate containers near the feeders/door ways in/out of the coop or run. Whichever is high traffic. I would then mix a handful of oyster shell with a spoonful of Greek yogurt and plop dollops of this around their area on flat rocks then put a dollop of yogurt in the feed tray of the oyster shell dispenser on top of the OS to encourage them to check it out and use it.

No one is egg bound. They would be lethargic and walking hunched up. They have immature reproductive systems. Once they fully mature, things will even out.
Yeah I didn’t think they were egg bound just want to know how long between eggs in normal when starting out. They have had oyster shell available since week 18.
It's also early in the year for egg laying depending on where you are. Heck, I'm in Middle Georgia and am just now starting to get 4-6 on 10 laying hens. They'll get to laying when they're ready. I suggest either putting out oyster shell or switching to a layer feed. I don't like oyster shell because it usually ends up getting spilled before anyone even eats it. But even the boy gets the layer feed even though they free range for most of their food. Believe me... I totally understand the waiting on the first eggs and then next ones. My first hens I got started around this time of year and did around the same thing with big gaps.
That's a good sign that eggs are near.

These are probably dust baths rather than egg laying nests.
Do you free range?
No they have a 9x20 run. I have 4 dogs so they are super enclosed. We triple reinforced the walls and concreted around the bottom. They have plenty of dust bath holes, our yard is all sand. But there are a few spots I watch my RIR scratch meticulously.

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