When do OEGBs start laying


7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
H&B Hens (My Flock) Texas
This is bandit, my OEGB hen

She's 6 months old and still hasn't started layin. Anyone know when they start?
I have 1 OEGB in my flock of 15 this year. She began laying at 22 weeks. Tiny little almost white eggs. Great for pickling.

Every bird is different. But it could happen anytime now. Mine has laid in about a dozen different places. She has finally settled on a hanging/swinging nest (5 gallon bucket). So watch for her during the day to see if she is wandering off by herself if free ranged.

Wish ya the best.
I have 1 OEGB in my flock of 15 this year.  She began laying at 22 weeks.  Tiny little almost white eggs.  Great for pickling.  

Every bird is different.  But it could happen anytime now.  Mine has laid in about a dozen different places.  She has finally settled on a hanging/swinging nest (5 gallon bucket).  So watch for her during the day to see if she is wandering off by herself if free ranged.  

Wish ya the best.   

Hopefully she'll start soon! She's an indoor chicken so I'm sure ill find em everywhere

Our OEGB began laying between 22-24 weeks.

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