When do you pull your quitters or intertile eggs?


Crow's Nest
10 Years
May 13, 2009
Central MO
I was just wondering when others do this. I pull eggs that have shown no "change" after about a week. If I have trouble seeing into the egg then I give it a few more days. I do my "final" cull of incubator eggs at 2 weeks - just a few days before turning stops. Generally speaking I have been able to see clear veining in nearly all eggs by 3-5 days. I use a mag light that is very very bright. Shortly after that the egg starts "filling up" and goes pretty dark by around 10-12 days along.
Hi! Usually, Day 6 or 7.
If they aren't obviously growing by then --- they are out and replaced by eggs that might grow (I set eggs here every 7 to 10 days *snort* sometimes more frequently than that).

With eggs that have been incubating a short time, it is still possible to crack-out and check if the 'clear eggs' are not fertile or there is some other issue that kept them from developing.

Well Ive been using my broody hen, so I kinda let her do all the work. I have eggs that are due to hatch this Tuesday. Night before last I went out there and candle them and threw one out. I also use a Mag light and these are very dark BCM eggs and I was able to see through them just fine. The one I threw out was empty, but she was still sitting on it. I just tossed it. I candle them once, around day 7 and then for the second time just a couple of days before hatch. Mama hen normally knows best and pushes out the bad ones anyways.
Day 22 I toss anything that didn't hatch (chicken eggs that is). LOL

I don't candle at all. My hatches are between 85 and 100%.
I only remove eggs that have ooze leaking out, but I still count those in my percentages.

I candle at day 7-10 according to the eggs. Those I'm unsure of, I place in a different egg carton top to keep turning until day 14. At that point I toss out anything that doesn't look or smell right. Then at day 23 or 24 to dump them.
I'm paranoid that I'll toss someone that is slower then the others. But I have also wished I tossed them out too!

I thought I was foolish out scrounging around under the broodie hen one night! LMBO! I stuck 1 chick under and removed the golf ball and the infertile egg. She still had 1 of her own eggs under her, yet it hatched and died.
I start tossing ones with no veining or change at 5 days. I always open and inspect. I have only had 1 oops. I opened a live chick on day 4 because I thought there was a death ring. Now I only take the clears. If by day 7-10 I don't see a baby floating and moving, I open and see why. I like to candle daily. It is a learning experience for me. I just reach in quick and close quick, look for about 20 seconds tops and put them back. I enjoy looking.
I candle quite a bit too. If I see no veining by day 12, I take it out.

I've also had an oops with one that I thought was a death ring. I felt so horrible that I've never culled one for that reason again.

If by day 22, it hasn't hatched, I will cover it in a towel while I hold it and just barely prick the shell where the air pocket is. If it didn't explode, I peek in & try to see movement. If I do, I cover the hole with a bit of wax & put it back.
I don't actually toss any unless they start to stink or ooze. When I candle at day 10, I move all the ones I think are developing on one side of the bator, and those that I think are clears/quitters go on the other side. I made a mistake in interpreting what I was seeing in an egg when I first started hatching, and I pulled an egg that was developing, so, since I only incubate 1 batch at a time, I decided I wouldn't chance that happening again. I usually don't make mistakes like that anymore, but . . .

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