When do you start hearing peeping?

OMGosh I ordered lemon/blue splash eggs from ebay...I can tell for sure one is growing, 2 are questionable, and 3 last night I craked open assumign they were duds (I was right). they are medium/light brown but THICK and bumpy/textured and soooo hard to see thru. I use a BRIGHT led flashlight. I also have lemon/blue bantam eggs in there....so excited...easy to candle and high fertility rate on them. Little feathered feeeet!!! Ok so I cannot make out feet but I can hardly wait to meet them.
i can tell for sure i have 12 but its getting to hard to see anything on mine and some have adnormal air cells
i am hoping they all make but with this being my first hatch i will be glade to get at least one although hoping for more
For everyone else maybe they will hatch but mine prolly drowned in humidity since I read it was suppose to be 90% the last 3 day to find out its 70%

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