When do you wash the eggs?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Do you wash the eggs when you bring them in? Before you use them? What do you use to wash them?

I read that you can force bacteria through the shells if washed to forcefully.

What's the scoop, gang?
I don't wash mine unless they are pretty dirty; they are laid with a very thin layer on them called bloom. The bloom seals the pores of the egg, thus not allowing bacteria in. If you wash them, you wash the bloom off and definitely CAN introduce bacteria into the egg. If they are dirty enough that they need to be washed, run your water until it is warmer than the egg is, but not too hot!! The bloom also helps keep eggs fresh longer. Enjoy!
We never wash our eggs. If you do, it removes the bloom, which protects the egg. I've read that if you have to wash the eggs, you should lightly oil them with veggie oil and wipe it dry with a paper towel.
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Good question, and glad someone asked it! I'm expecting my girls to start laying at the end of September.....now I'll know not to wash the eggs.

I love this site for such great, friendly advice!!!

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