When Do Your Chickens Lay?

fowl farm

7 Years
May 9, 2012
I currently own a small flock of 8 Red Sex-Link hens and am very much interested in expanding it next year. However, I would like some variety! So, I was wondering if people could tell about their chicken breeds? I'd like good temperament, egg laying, and I wouldn't mind a broody hen! I'm hoping to get several different breeds. I would also like a docile rooster. What breeds tend towards that?
I also noticed Australorps. I was just wondering about peoples personal experience with the birds. I've been told Red Sex-Links were good broody hens and I've been told that they weren't, so I wanted some real experience.
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I have an Orpington cockerel. I got him when he was 16 weeks old, he is now 61/2 months old. I won him over with treats and now he follows me around like a dog. My decision was between the Orp and Brahma for docileness. My wife was attacked by a rooster as a child and didn't want one. Did my research and got the Orp. She loves him. He is friendly, gentle, lets us pick him up when needed. I have a rule, one strike and off to freezer camp. So far so good.
My Sex-Links do not go broody that often. They are usually breed for egg production and for me it seems like thats all that they want to do. They lay very well, but refuse to go broody.

My Australorp roo and hens have very good temperaments and are friendly, but they have not started laying yet.

My Buff Orpingtons are my favorites. They are the best all around birds for me. Good egglayers, friendly and go broody very often. They even try to set on other hens eggs.
I have RIRs and barred rocks at the moment, Im looking to expand next year too.
RIRs and excellent egg layers....they are nice for the most part, but sure how friendly they are(mine will let me hold them, but do not come to me for attention). They are not a broody breed and ive heared that RIR roos can be aggressive.https://www.backyardchickens.com/products/rhode-island

barred rocks are good layers, maybe not quite as good as RIRs. they are a little moe broody, and are the dominant birds in my flock.https://www.backyardchickens.com/products/plymouth-rock
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I have to ask- I've always wanted a Bantam, but does it cause issues to have a full-sized rooster and a Bantam hen?
I had a cochin banty hen and she bred to my barred rock rooster out of 5 eggs 2 hatched 1 she mashed the other replaced his daddy when daddy got killed by a hawk then son got stoopid and had to leave, but no problems with the size.

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