When is it okay to stop using the heat lamp?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 26, 2014
I'm curious to know when I can stop using the heat lamp above our chicks. They are almost 5 weeks old and have most all of their feathers. They are still inside the house which is a constant 70 degrees....for now, hopefully I can get their coop built soon...they are starting to make a mess!
I took the heat lamp off at 4 weeks - my chicks were brooded indoors, ambient temp in the 70s. I was preparing ours for the move outside to a non-wired coop so they needed to not be dependent on the lamp. In addition to withdrawing the supplemental heat, also started allowing the room they were in to more closely follow the temperatures outside. They were in the coop at 5 weeks with 70/50 days/nights and made it through a freak cold snap several days after being moved (snow, temps in low 30s/high 20s) with flying colors.
I have 7 week old chicks would it be safe to take the heat lamp away during the day or do not need much anymore, they all have some feathers on them now and eat awesome.:)
7 weeks is definitely old enough to take the lamp out completely

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