When is too soon for ducklings to eat layer feed?


5 Years
Jun 14, 2018
Upstate NY... Adirondacks
So we have two hens going Broody and need to separate them from the rest of the flock. The coop we normally use for broody hens is currently being occupied by 7 week old Khaki Campbell and White Pekin ducklings. So here's my question, if I move the ducklings to the adult coop so the broody hens could have privacy, is it bad for them to eat the adult layer feed that's there? I don't want to take them off their grower feed, but if I move them with the adults, I have no control over which feed they eat. Thanks!
I'd just have the broodies eat the grower feed. That's what they do anyways once their eggs hatch.
So the ducklings can eat the adult feed?
Just want to make sure it's clear, I'm questioning the 7 week old ducklings eating the layer feed, not the broody hens. The hens will be by themself in the separate coop, while the ducklings are joined with the rest of the flock
So we have two hens going Broody and need to separate them from the rest of the flock. The coop we normally use for broody hens is currently being occupied by 7 week old Khaki Campbell and White Pekin ducklings. So here's my question, if I move the ducklings to the adult coop so the broody hens could have privacy, is it bad for them to eat the adult layer feed that's there? I don't want to take them off their grower feed, but if I move them with the adults, I have no control over which feed they eat. Thanks!
Just switch the other ducks to grower the babies are to young for layer feed
The protein and calcium is to high
You can put out other things for the laying ducks like crushed oyster shells
Crushed egg shells ect that the young ones won’t touch till they need it
This is what I have been told
I switched my adult female back to grower when the young ones were sharing feed with her
I just kept bowls aside with her oyster shells
Here's a Pic of the ducklings. The pekins are HUGE. They are bigger than our adult Rouens! Its so hard to think of them as ducklings lol
So the ducklings can eat the adult feed?
Just want to make sure it's clear, I'm questioning the 7 week old ducklings eating the layer feed, not the broody hens. The hens will be by themself in the separate coop, while the ducklings are joined with the rest of the flock
Ohhhh. I thought the broodies and ducklings would be together. I'd switch the whole flock to grower until the babies are about 10-12 weeks old. I'd give the layers oysters and their egg shells back so they can get the calcium.

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