When it rains do your chickens go into their coops?

Mine all feee range but have an open coop. They seem to enjoy a light rain, especially in the summer. They'll take cover just about anywhere around our place in a downpour tho.
This guy in particular seems to really enjoy a good shower...:p
I'm sorry to keep on but, you say free range, but then you add covered run.
If they're in a covered run it won't count as free range for the info I'm after.
Mine have a Coop and a covered run..They are let out of both to free range the yard..Make more sense?
It's pissing down here at the moment. I've just done my rounds and as usual the chickens are trying to take shelter from the rain. I've got a hen in my house; caught out going to lay an egg. There are a few under one of the cars. A few more under the hay rack in the sheep field. Most of the Bantams are under their coop looking miserable. Donk, a strange little hen is trying to shelter under a large leaf.
All the coops are open, but not one has a chicken in it!
Where do your chickens go when it rains?
It would be helpful should you post to mention whether your chickens are free range or in a run and if their coops are accessible during the day.
Birds are free range. They usually take cover under brush or outdoor structures. Some slightly insane chickens stay out and get drenched.
My birds free range. When it is sprinkles they don't seem to care. But when it starts to pour they make a run for the covered run. One of my girls has it down to a science. She seems to know right when it is going to pour. The others seems to hang out and they you see them run into the coop as if saying... holy crap where did that come from!

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