When it rains do your chickens go into their coops?

Mine only ever shelter from the rain in their coop if it's late afternoon / early evening. Otherwise they will just shelter under anything that provides shelter!
Mine are only free range when I let them out of their run. When it rains and they're in their run, they still don't go in the coop to shelter, they go under the coop.
I would like to hear from more people who keep chickens in runs, i.e. not free range.
As I said in previous post they only free range an hour before sunset daily.
Here is a pic of the comfortable under coop. 20171230_132421.jpg . It's got light LED bulb summer/ a 43 watt Halogen bulb winter for heat to warm themselves. Water and Oyster Shells are available. It's protected with 1/2 inch hardware cloth, in Winter I cover it with hard plastic.
Access is a chicken door from outside and a trapdoor ramp to get inside the coop where the feed and heated water are located.
It was a light rain when this pic was taken. Some are under the coop. 20171223_093033.jpg . GC
Mine have a roof over their run, so light blowing rain, They stay in run except to go in coop to eat or lay eggs. hard rain and hard blowing rain they go back in coop. if the clouds get heavy and dark, they think it is bed time early and go to coop. if they are free in the yard, they go wherever, under trailers, cars, in machine shed or barn, just to stay out of the hard rain. light rain when free, doesn't bother them much. they go in and out of it and just shake some water off.
My chickens will go into their coop when raining lightly, but when the the thunderstorms start heavy they all rush into the coop.

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