When my DH gets home he might faint...darn chicken math

LOL, I was off to the feed store one day and told DH I was getting 2 ducks. Came home with 4.
He said what happened to 2 ducks? I told him that was chicken math, this is duck math! He
, knows me quite well.
Hopefully some of us will get with the program and realize that we are becoming like those crazy cat people who are collectors. You know the type. Not enough money , time or energy to take proper care of the their animals. House full of cats and poop everywhere. Happens here all the time.

Right now I'm fighting with two hens who insist on sitting. One I don't want more chicks and two I want the eggs. Even though I end up giving both away. I do have a Del on six eggs but I won't be disappointed if they all don't hatch.

Right now I'm toying with giving away hens and roos............................................
I kill me. Seriously though I am.

Honestly we need a triple AAA for us. Animals Addicted Anonymous.
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I'm afraid to count. Chicken math doesn't help whenever I go outside with treats and they come running out from under every bush in the back yard!
So, according to the chicken math formula chicks of the same breed only count as 1! Great news! So, yesterdays trip to the feed store I really didn't come back with 4...I came back with 1!!
We started with 6. Lost 1. Went to replace that 1 and brought home 3 and a duckling. Then got the first incubator and eggs from a local. That resulted in another 15. Lost 2. Gave 2 to my cousin. Then got another 48 eggs. That resulted in 40 more. Then added 13 ducklings. Then added 4 light brahmas. Then bought more bators from an estate sale. Four nice sportsman cabinets and a hatcher. Then filled those with eggs. I have 60 Buff Orpingtons from a nice show line free ranging on a 1/2 acre with electric fencing. Have another 24 Rhode Island Reds free ranging in another area. And then the family flock with another 60-80 birds on another part of the property. And now I have all the bators filled with more buff orpington, lavender orpington, rhode island red, speckled sussex, BLRW, Welsummer, runner duck and call duck eggs.

All this from someone that didn't even own a chicken until March 31st!

And this weekend I'm picking up Black Copper Maran, Pumpkin Hulsey, Deleware, Silver Laced Polish and Buff Cochin eggs to fill up the bators again!

I'm really pushing to see how many chickens, ducks, geese and peafowl I can get to fill my 42 acres.
Me too! We where gonna get just 7 laying hens for eggs. Welllllll our 8x10 coop we where gonna build never happened because I ordered way to many chicks for that size! We had to build an even bigger coop! Then I got obsessed with BLRW and we had to build more coops... Its just getting worse to cause my sister and I are hatching out 20 more in july! I need help!

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