When Pets Attack

even my chickens can outrun me, my peas could run me down in less then 30ft. i bet noone here could outrun my Savannah monitor.. animals have instincts,, that are WAY better then any "knowledge"
i had a 95% timber wolf, from puppy,, even with a shock collar, he could do as he pleased,, them shock collars only put out short bursts,and for only so many times,,, he could outlast 1 of those with no problem.
Wolves started hanging out with humans LONG before we had any technological advantage. A wolf is a social(pack) animal. There are outcasts from the pack for various reasons. If they don't find or create another pack then they seek companionship where they can find it. This is one of the theories has to how wolves and other wild dogs became domesticated. Another theory would be pups that lose their parents and were retrieved by primitive man. However it was wolves, cats, and chickens were common as pets in primitive times as they are now.

About the only creatures that I know of that we can outlast or outrun might be turtles, snails, slugs, maybe a sloth. Even a little spider is faster than we are.
True that! When I was very young, I had a majician (sp?) at my b-day party. He had a dove with him, and I got to pet him/hold him... I got bit.

I remember several years ago reading that the people who live around Lake Victoria in Africa couldn't let their kids out to play when the chimps were around. The chimps would grab the kids and drag them off and eat them.

Not sure if that's true.

Imp- That never showed up in any of Jane Goodall's specials did it?

I thought it was kudzu that does that!

Eh, I dunno--dogs have been domesticated for, what, 15,000 years? We've had the atlatl for hunting at least that long, especially in societies that worked closely with dogs. It depends on whose DNA evidence you like best, I suppose.

I can outrun a cow over 50 feet.
Yes, I found that out the hard way.
that remind me of a joke.

2 Guy were camping when a bear came into camp.
One guy starts putting on his running shoes.
His buddy said, what are you doing, you cant out run a bear.

Buddy said, I dont have to, just have to out run YOU.
One day I was walking out to the wellhouse to get something, I heard this noise that was like a grunt, I had never heard it before. I looked up to see a very large buck snorting at me and pawing the ground, UM, I froze. I said I'm going back in the house now, while backing up slowly. Like he understood, or cared, I guess I was scared to death. Anyway, I never looked at deer the same after that. I like mine chicken fried.......................the backstrap, that is..................

I love animals, too, they are delicious.............................
I couldn't agree more, and at 43, I'm more afraid of animals now than I ever was before. Both of my children were attacked by dogs - loving pets that everyone said "they wouldn't hurt a flea!" My DD was 4 when my sister's rottweiler pawed or bit her face. It happened so fast that nobody even saw. Had to have plastic surgery to fill large puncture wounds on both sides of her forehead and numerous small holes filled/stitched above and below her one eye. She was lucky and has no major scarring - physical or emotional. We found out shortly thereafter that the dog had cancer.

Almost 4 years ago my son was at a friend's house after school and asked if he could pet their mastiff. They said of course - he was very friendly. My son ended up with a black eye and a huge gash on his jaw. The mother brought him back home - to my empty house! I was at work when he called and I raced home. What I saw was a child covered in blood and in shock. I was SO ANGRY that I can't even tell you. After the trip to the emergency room, we called the police and the animal warden who quarantined the dog and then euthenized him. I forced myself to go to the vet's office where the dog was being held so I could see what he looked like and we were very lucky - twice.

Although I love dogs and have a big yellow lab who is a sweet baby, I will never totally trust an animal, no matter what kind because you never know what might cause that animal to snap or why.

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