When setting eggs under a broody...

Wow! I broke a week old egg on accident once, and did the same thing! Heres the only picture I got of it. Thanks for posting that! You did a great job on the eggtopsy, I think it's so amazing how rapidly the can form in just a week. I do agree with the eye, I believe that's what it is. The ye is visible in my pic. I felt so bad I broke it, when it happened the embryo was still alive.
It might have something to do with the fact there’s more yolk with yours. Remember, mine had been under the broody all smushed, so less yolk. IDK, just a guess

Also, the eye is always soooooo huge in the beginning.
Hm, yeah, that makes sense. Mine was in an incubator. I'm going to check the dates I set it from last year's calendar and I'll see exactly how many days old it was. I just remember it was about a week. The eyes are huge, it is so weird.
I have had the same thing happen before. I was taking an egg out of the incubator to candle and dropped it. I was mad at myself. I didn't take any pictures because I was so upset at myself for dropping it. I just cleaned it up. They do seem to grow into their eyes. These are both brown eggs. I was a little shaky holding the camera in one hand and the egg on the candler in the other hand.
I have had the same thing happen before. I was taking an egg out of the incubator to candle and dropped it. I was mad at myself. I didn't take any pictures because I was so upset at myself for dropping it. I just cleaned it up. They do seem to grow into their eyes. These are both brown eggs. I was a little shaky holding the camera in one hand and the egg on the candler in the other hand.
That is SO cool. I was removing those eggs, I had quite a few in and I candled almost all of them on day 10. I had set 4 eggs from my own flock the day after I got my rooster. I wanted to see if any would be fertile yet, just for fun. Amazingly, that one was. I watched it die, so heartbreaking. I was really angry at myself and didn't even want to hatch any more chicks. It was so sad. I have that poor little baby's sisters out in the coop right now. Sorry about yours :hugs
I first upload the video to YouTube then post it here. On the top line of the reply box is a little picture of a camera next to the smiley. Click on it and put in the URL.
I first upload the video to YouTube then post it here. On the top line of the reply box is a little picture of a camera next to the smiley. Click on it and put in the URL.
Thanks! One more question, how do I upload the video to youtube? Lol sorry. Also, is that safe and everything?

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