When should i put in pine shavings??


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 16, 2010
When should i put in pine shavings??
i have 40 they are about 2 weeks old
thanks ahead
Well first,
- I actually had Pine Shavings in with my 1 day old Marans and 1 week old Ameraucanas, sooo. . . Honestly I think they're fine with it now.
Someone may say otherwise, but far as I've always seen and my experience goes to - They're fine even when really young. They may peck at it with curiousity, but that should be about it.

Curious, what breeds do you have?
I just put them in with my week olds. They pecked for the first day or so, but seem to be fine
And happy!
What lovely array of breeds!
I'd guarantee to you that your Brahmas will be such amazing girls! I know I really love mine.
I start with shavings. If the chicks are only a day or 2 old, I put paper towels over part of it and sprinkle their food there so they can find it easily. After a day or 2 the paper towels come out & the chick feeder goes in. I've not had any problems this way.
haha thank you and i hope so....i have to sell a bunch tho but i will probaly keep a couple of the LB
I start with a layer of paper towels and about a week or slightly less I switch to shavings. They know where their food is by a week. They will "try" the shavings at first but like I said, they know where the food is by now. Good luck and we would love to see pics.

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