When should they be able to stand up & walk??


10 Years
Nov 12, 2009
Sebastian County, AR
I just hatched 2 ducklings and would like to know how long they normally would take to be able to stand and walk. This is my first time with ducks and I want to make sure they get a good start. Right now they are resting from thier hatch, but one seems better getting around than the other.
I had one little guy recently - unzip in 20 minutes and burst out of the egg- and was flopping around the incubator everywhere straihgt away. So I had to take him out just 5 minutes after hatching. Others have needed a good twelve hours to start taking an interest in anything other than sleeping. They can all be a bit different depending on how much of their strength they used to hatch. I always put some vitamins in he first lot of water I give my ducklings just for a boost, and always have food in the brooder ready for them to eat as soon as they want to after coming out of the incubator.
Usually about 24 hours from hatch. If they had a hard time getting out of the shell they are likely to rest/nap for a bit before they do much walking.

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