when to add a rooster?


7 Years
May 5, 2013
Deep South
My Coop
My Coop
I have 10 pullets, they're old enough were certain none are roos (about 2.5 - 3 mos).
I want to eventually b able to have them hatch us more chickens.
When is the best time to add a roo to a flock?
If he is the same age as them, whenever. If he is mature, when they are 6 months old give or take, and mature enough to deal with him. The only thing to watch for is a rooster too large for the hens, or if he's too randy with pullets that are too young.

Getting a mature (1 year or older) male has him out of the boyish learning phase, when he's all testosterone and not too nice about it. You want to find a gentleman that knows his job, without being mean. A jerk of a rooster can cause stress on the hens.

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