When to cull old hens??

I cull and eat surplus cockerels and distance myself from them as soon as their sex becomes apparent and they are broody hen reared so I am not handling them like you would if they were brooder raised but my hens have a retirement plan if/when they stop laying.
From the OP's original post it seems to me that their chickens are not pets and they are viewing the situation dispassionately. In that case, I would say that having kept them through their non productive moult period and now approaching spring, it makes more sense to keep them for eggs whilst you raise new pullets and cull them when the stop laying to moult next autumn/fall..... assuming you are in the northern hemisphere and the birds are over 2 years old.
Can you please elaborate? I have never heard of the eye ring/beak/legs thing and am curious. I know the comb thing, like if it’s red they’re usually laying, and obviously if they’re molting or otherwise in horrible feather condition or health, they won’t lay, but have never heard of the other thing and am curious. Also heard of the vent thing but never heard the specifics.
I would assume what's meant by eye ring/beak/legs is that typically in a yellow legged breed, their legs will go pale while they're laying. And when they aren't, they'll be a bright yellow. One could assume you could say similar for the beak and skin around the eyes, but I don't know if that's exactly what is meant, nor have I ever really gone by that.

With the vent, you're looking for it to be more wide/open looking.
I'm 60 and don't wait until they stop laying to eat them.

I eat layers, never raised meat birds.

Registered SPCA Standard Poodle.

Ahh okay. I think I would like to try sometime but I don’t think I could do it and I especially couldn’t cull layers I don’t think. Unless it was necessary. But even then I would have someone else do it. I think if I ever did meat birds, even knowing they were being raised for that purpose, I would probably get too attached. :oops: I think I would want to raise the rangers though rather than CX as it seems more natural. Plus I heard birds are like inedible or at least really tough after a certain age???

And nice!! I’ve considered getting a poodle but there are a few other breeds I’m considering too. They are nice dogs though.
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I would assume what's meant by eye ring/beak/legs is that typically in a yellow legged breed, their legs will go pale while they're laying. And when they aren't, they'll be a bright yellow. One could assume you could say similar for the beak and skin around the eyes, but I don't know if that's exactly what is meant, nor have I ever really gone by that.

With the vent, you're looking for it to be more wide/open looking.

Thanks!! That’s helpful!! I didn’t realize that.
Yes, but you could have made your points about older birds' value without adding judgment to those who won't or can't do the same. But again, you use words like "exploit" in order to elicit an emotional response.
I made a couple of posts in response to the OP and a general comment. The first post a serious alternative view and the second (notice the tongue out emicon) as a bit of humor.
Later in the thread you seem to have taken exception to the second post and implied my view was ridiculous.
That’s fine, there are a number of ways of viewing the value of life.
However, you directly quoted me and that as I assume is intended to draw my attention to the post where you have implied my view is ridiculous.
My next post, given you had just described my view as ridiculous was I think very even handed, also with a touch of humor.
You could have just left it there but instead you put forward your view, despite me implying in the previous post that I would rather not delve into the subject.
Now you are accusing me of using words that may engender an emotional response. The word ‘exploit’ is perfectly acceptable in the current discussion.
So far, I have been polite and done my utmost to avoid any confrontation.
I haven’t made any personal comments about you, or how you keep your chickens, or your writing style.
I suggest you adopt the same attitude.
But even then I would have someone else do it.
My main goal in starting with chickens was to 'get closer to my food'...that includes slaughtering for meat.

Plus I heard birds are like inedible or at least really tough after a certain age???
Nah, depends on how you prepare and cook them.....they are nothing like a grocery bird tho unless you slaughter before about 14 weeks....even then, nothing is as soft as a factory farmed 8 week old CX.
My main goal in starting with chickens was to 'get closer to my food'...that includes slaughtering for meat.

Nah, depends on how you prepare and cook them.....they are nothing like a grocery bird tho unless you slaughter before about 14 weeks....even then, nothing is as soft as a factory farmed 8 week old CX.

I would love to do that eventually. I am making progress. It’s why I got the chickens for eggs and started growing my own veggies but I haven’t quite gotten to the meat part though. Maybe eventually. I think I need to have my own property then I might be able to. But my layers are also pets so I don’t think I could kill them but could probably do extra cockerels.

And thanks!! That’s good to know!! Glad it isn’t true that they aren’t edible after a certain age lol I assume it just takes a really long time to cook and lots of seasonings?
I made a couple of posts in response to the OP and a general comment. The first post a serious alternative view and the second (notice the tongue out emicon) as a bit of humor.
Later in the thread you seem to have taken exception to the second post and implied my view was ridiculous. So far, I have been polite and done my utmost to avoid any confrontation.
See ...there are those ruffled feathers again, on both sides, and it seems like sometimes when we get into a discussion where people have different, sometimes strongly held opinions, that happens. I imagine that if we were all sitting in a nice, comfy room with some cups of tea or coffee or whatever (maybe a nice bowl of Hagen Daaz ice cream!) this wouldn't happen, because we'd be watching each others' faces for signs of how our words were being taken - a smile, a nod, a slight frown or tightening of the mouth - the things that primates judge reactions by. But since we have none of that (though I may get ice cream later!) our INTENDED 'meaning behind the text' can get misinterpreted or trampled. We'd never be snippy or snarky or holier-than-thou in person, right? Of course not. But the anonymity of text replies and limited ability of emojis to confirm our intent can trip us up. :th
Some would never eat a chicken. It's a beloved pet! Some want to eat their own produced meat in a healthy and humane manner and detest the factory farm type of raising animals and have said 'no more' to that. Which is right?
It's a matter of your own philosophy. Whatever works for you.
But please - be kind. (and I am in NO WAY criticizing ANY of the posters on either side, just asking for kindness and gentleness.) We can find so much cruelty and unhappiness on the news on most days, let's all hug each other and eat ice cream and love chickens for whatever reason and marvel at the fact that people from all over the world can talk in this amazing forum and share their thoughts and knowledge! :celebrate:hugs:wee:yesss::thumbsup
See ...there are those ruffled feathers again, on both sides, and it seems like sometimes when we get into a discussion where people have different, sometimes strongly held opinions, that happens. I imagine that if we were all sitting in a nice, comfy room with some cups of tea or coffee or whatever (maybe a nice bowl of Hagen Daaz ice cream!) this wouldn't happen, because we'd be watching each others' faces for signs of how our words were being taken - a smile, a nod, a slight frown or tightening of the mouth - the things that primates judge reactions by. But since we have none of that (though I may get ice cream later!) our INTENDED 'meaning behind the text' can get misinterpreted or trampled. We'd never be snippy or snarky or holier-than-thou in person, right? Of course not. But the anonymity of text replies and limited ability of emojis to confirm our intent can trip us up. :th
Some would never eat a chicken. It's a beloved pet! Some want to eat their own produced meat in a healthy and humane manner and detest the factory farm type of raising animals and have said 'no more' to that. Which is right?
It's a matter of your own philosophy. Whatever works for you.
But please - be kind. (and I am in NO WAY criticizing ANY of the posters on either side, just asking for kindness and gentleness.) We can find so much cruelty and unhappiness on the news on most days, let's all hug each other and eat ice cream and love chickens for whatever reason and marvel at the fact that people from all over the world can talk in this amazing forum and share their thoughts and knowledge! :celebrate:hugs:wee:yesss::thumbsup

Very well said!!! 100% agree!!! And you are absolutely right, it is much easier to tell tone and intent and everything else in person!!!

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