When to expect eggs?

Cavendish Chickens

9 Years
Apr 24, 2010
Summit County, Ohio
Okay, I guess it's time to play the part of expectant mom. This is our first year with chickens, and we just saw our rooster mating with one of the hens. This is their first time too, so these will be first eggs for the hen. About how long after they do their "thing" should we expect eggs? I kind of knew she would be the first due to her larger comb, and since her comb has been turning redder by the day and starting to flop over. The other hen has a smaller comb, and seems like she may join in in the not too distant future. But for now, we're pretty certain the one hen will be laying any time now since she and the rooster decided to get some TLC from each other this morning. So, that's the only question I have right now. When should we start expecting eggs? Thanks!
Really should be anytime now - i asked the same question back when. The rooster acting like that shows that its about time for her to start laying . I would guess about the next week - that is not written in stone as every hen is different - just my personal experience here
Thanks Inkheart. I guess it's time to keep our eyes open every day! Yay! lol (No, we're not going to hatch any chicks at this time of year. Maybe in the spring we'll think about it.)
Yes, they can tell better than you. If the rooster is interested and the hen is willing it means she's starting to ovulate so you should see eggs soon. Be vigilant though because she may hide them, just because you have nesting boxes, it doesn't mean she'll use them. Hopefully you've put some golf balls or other faux eggs in there to give her an idea that "this be the place".
Golfballs in the nest boxes has worked very well for me. So far I only have three of seven pullets laying but all of them have used the nest boxes since day one of their laying. I don't know if I just got lucky with that or not but it seems to work really well.
We've had 2 golf balls in with them for a couple of months now, and when we went out there today to check things out, we found 2 eaten eggs on top of the coop, soft clear shells that were a beige color. So we're going to start watching every day at least twice a day. They get plenty of treats and have a two sided dish filled with oyster shells on one side, and grit on the other side. I guess the eggs may have been soft due to being first eggs. But the color? Leghorns are supposed to lay white eggs. Hmm. Well disappointment set in, and planning on keeping the eating of the eggs to a minimum begin. We're planning on having another pen set up with silkies in the spring. Hopefully they won't eat their eggs too. lol Wishing you all luck with your hens and eggs. Thanks to everyone for all of your advice.

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