When to feed pullets Layer Feed?


12 Years
Dec 15, 2007

We have a young, 5-month old New Hampshire Red pullet, and I'm very excited of her laying me my very first egg. But it's been quite a while now since she got 5 months old and still no squatting and laying. I soon found out about this "Layer Feed" and I thought that I should be feeding her with it now. We are currently feeding her Chicken Grower Mash. When should I be feeding her Layer Feed, soon before or after she starts to lay? Or will she be laying quite late? I heard some had their pullets laying at more than 20 weeks old. Maybe I'm just a little too excited.

Thanks in advance!
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we ran out of grower and the fed store didn't have any more grower so the lady said to just feed layer pellets, they were 14 wks at the time. dire necessity.
You gota do, what you gota do, but the feed store lady was wrong! All I know is what I research, and 14 weeks is to early for layer rations. The extra calcium can cause problems with bone growth.
Thanks for all the replies everyone!

I haven't given her calcium yet because it might cause egg-binding(egg stuck in the hen's vent) on her first egg. I'll continue feeding her grower mash until she lays. Thanks again! I'm just too excited for this. Oh, and one more question
: She lives with a New Hampshire Red cockerel of the same age in the coop. When she starts laying and I start feeding her layer feed, is it ok for the cockerel to eat it too?

Thanks in advance!
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