When to go off PolyViSol and not wear chick shoes


7 Years
Nov 29, 2012
My barred rock was doing well and at 2 1/2 weeks suddenly developed curled toes and when she walked she walked on her hocs. I went to the internet to see what was going on with her. I put her on PolyViSol and made chick shoes for her. I gave her a dose of it 3 times a day and have had the shoes on her for 10 days now. I took the shoes off today and she is walking quite normal and doing well. I have planned to put a new pair of shoes on her for another week, but now I am thinking maybe I won't. I just don't know what would be best in the long run. I don't want to put her back in shoes if she is ready to be on her own feet again. I am so pleased for her that she is walking so well on her feet. I have also keep her in a separate box next to the others. I plan on keeping her isolated for a least a day or two to make sure she has her bearings and continues to do well. I am not sure when to start lowering and eventually discontinuing the PolyViSol. Any comments would and sharing of experiences would be greatly appreciated.


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