When to let the baby chicks into their new home


Mar 11, 2015
We have 1 black copper maran and 2 ameraucana's. They were 3 days old when we brought them home. Now they are 1 week. Can we take them outside for small amounts of time to let them say hello to their new yard? Can we put them in their coop with the heating lamp on during the day only? Of course bring them inside to sleep. We live in The San Fernando Valley in California - definitely on the warmer side of the weather spectrum. There are so many different things people say to do. It can be overwhelming at times on which one to listen to. Fast forward to the heart of the summer which can be very hot. Are there any precautions that we should take to keep the 100+ temps to make the chickens any more comfortable?
Personally I would wait to give them yard time until around 2-3 weeks. When you do put them out in the yard I would make sure they were contained and that they couldn't get out or anything get it.
I live in Tennessee and our temps have been in the high 60's low 70's and I have all my chicks in an insulated building , during the day I turn the heat lamps off and at night I turn them back on. My chicks right now are 6 days and some are almost 3 weeks.
I hope this helps .
Mother hens take them out right away but they are only out from under her for a few minutes and back under to get warm. I took mine out at about 2 weeks here in Utah because it is still only 60ish this time of year and not warm enough for them yet as they need to be kept at 70 plus right now and breeze factor makes it too chilly for them till they are feathered. Once it hits 70ish they are ok for short stints. Personally I don't worry about the containment thing much, they are pretty...chicken...at first and usually stick close for awhile till they are more comfortable with the outside. Though I only had 6 and it was easy enough to round them up into the basket I carried them out in.
Mine are 4 weeks +. I have been letting them out for a few hours during the day for a week or so. Day temps are mid 70s and night temps are mid 50s. When can I put them in the coop? I have a separate one from the laying hens. Thanks !!!
We have 1 black copper maran and 2 ameraucana's. They were 3 days old when we brought them home. Now they are 1 week. Can we take them outside for small amounts of time to let them say hello to their new yard? Can we put them in their coop with the heating lamp on during the day only? Of course bring them inside to sleep. We live in The San Fernando Valley in California - definitely on the warmer side of the weather spectrum. There are so many different things people say to do. It can be overwhelming at times on which one to listen to. Fast forward to the heart of the summer which can be very hot. Are there any precautions that we should take to keep the 100+ temps to make the chickens any more comfortable?

I'm in San Diego and it's been in the 90 s here. Finally cooled down today. My girls are three weeks old and we put them outside with a heatlamp at 2 weeks. Warm enough in the day for no heat lamp then we switch it on at night when we put them in the coop. It's into the high 50 s at night. We find them out of their coop by 6:30 in the am!! They are leaving the warmth of the lamp on their own. Put a thermometer in there so you check the temp frequently throughout the day.
Good luck, they're pretty tough little things I'm finding!
A seperate possible issue....where we purchased them they said it's not 100% that there is no rooster in the bunch. How can you tell if they aren't all girls?
A seperate possible issue....where we purchased them they said it's not 100% that there is no rooster in the bunch. How can you tell if they aren't all girls?

You can't really until they start to crow ... The ones we ordered came 80% sexing guarantee. So I'm waiting also! Someone else here on the boards might have more ideas. If you get a boy can you keep it? Have babies?

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