When to shut windows in coop?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 23, 2007
Gothenburg, Nebraska
With the temps now starting to drop at night, when should I be closing the windows in the coop? My windows are on the east side of coop, and with them shut there is still plenty of ventaltion. It has been in the 70s to 80s still during the day but has dropped to the 50s at night.
Hi, I have a window on the south and one on the east. With 31 chickens and 7 guineas and the room is small...we are working on another room that will be about fifteen by twelve that can be opened up on to the present coop to give them more room, but with insulation in the ceiling and the north wall, plus my dh put up plastic sheeting under the walls we are doing fine without a light or heat. It has gotten into the low forties here at night. chickens put out a whole lot of body heat. Plus it warms up in the daytime. Does this help at all? If it gets to feeling cold in the coop after I put them up for the night...say about an hour later then I would say turn on a light. I do not use a heat lamp as they put out way too much heat. A red light at night will keep them warm and not disturb their sleep. Now this is not written in stone...use your own judgement.
the windows on my coop are low enough that the chickens can look out -so at night after they have gone to bed I am closing them ( mine are just openings with chicken wire cover and i added a shutter to each one ) so i close them and than open them again in the morning - this might change come next spring/summer after the chickens are used to the new coop ( right now one of them still pecks at the wire ) but once they are more settled with the new coop i will leave them open at night ( not during winter )

not sure if this is much help - but right now it is working for us
My windows are very secure with screens and covered in wire , I can close or open the window by putting the pane up or down. I guess I need to know what temp is to low that I need to close the windows.
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I don't think there's any hard and fast rule on this. Chickens tend to enjoy the same temperatures that the average person enjoys, although they can survive much more extreme temperatures. If they were mine, I'd probably close their windows at night.
I left my windows open at 50 degrees with no problem. The only time I would close them is if it got windy/rainy and then only the one on the west side since the wind comes out of the west.
Now that it is in the low 30's I will close them and open during the day since its in the 60's when I get home from work.

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