When to start using Starter/Grower feed?


12 Years
Jun 4, 2009
Dutchess County NY
I can't remember at what age I switched my chicks from starter to starter/grower. Currently I am using medicated starter 18% on my 6 week old chicks that a broody hatched for us. At what age do you change over to 20% grower?
You can switch whenever you want. Ours are on a grower type ration (locally custom milled) from day one.
No, you go down in protein. They don't need to grow too fast if they are going to be a laying hen. You want their internal organs to mature so they are at both the right maturity and size when they start to lay. If you can get it, 15% developer is recommended from thirteen weeks until they start to lay, but the 16% grower is also fine. Commercial laying operations try to slow down the start of egg laying until the hen has matured a bit. The hen is healthier, lays better eggs, and has a more productive laying season.

If they are going to be meat birds, it is different. Go ahead and throw a lot of protein at them. They won't be alive long enough to develop the long-term medical problems overfeeding can cause.
This might help also..

You can find it sticked here.


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