When to Switch to Layer Pellet?


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 8, 2009
My 6 RIRs are 16 weeks and my 3 EEs (1 is a roo) are almost 14 weeks. My feed store said that Blue Seal is no longer making the organic grower crumble, which is what I've been feeding. And I seem to only be able to find the layer pellet at other stores. Is it too soon to switch to the layer pellet? Should I wait til the EEs are a little older? Are there any other grower pellets available or does anyone know of any suppliers in Southeastern MA? Thanks
From what all I have read on here(and it's been a BUNCH!) You're going to get mixed answers on this. Some are saying you shouldn't start on Layer until you get that first egg. Others have said between 16-18 weeks.

As for the growing pellets...I searched and searched for this. My gals were just too big and didn't like that starter/grower "crumbles" which was almost powder. I went to 5 different feed stores SEVERAL times,asking for these,and every one said,nope,don't carry grower pellets. Well,one day one of them got some in. Said they were just going to try it out and if it sold well,they consider keeping it in stock. So I bought a bag. The pellets were about half the size of layer pellets and about half as wide. My girls LOVED them. So,next week went in to buy another bag and they were sold out. Man told me they went over so well,he's going to be getting some in and keeping it in stock. So,I'm having to wait till more comes in to get more. I ended up having to buy the darn powder,umm,I mean crumbles this time,but no more hopefully! So,just keep asking for it...maybe you'll get lucky like I did and a place will order some for a trial run.
I switched after the grower ration was gone from the meaties and went to layer and I have done that for the last three years and they are doing fine. My first two just turned three, and the remaining 10 just turned two. I have good laying breeds with a couple of cochins and bantams thrown in the mix. I get on average eight eggs a day. Of the twelve I have three bantams one is a rooster.

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