When will chicks be able to defend themselves?


11 Years
Apr 11, 2011
New York
They're getting pretty big and seem to be comfortable exploring the coop, just wondering when they'll be big enough to defend/stand up for themselves. They'll be six weeks tomorrow.
You could probably start free ranging them, under supervision, of course for a couple of hours. :0

~ Aspen
I let mine free range at eight weeks. They are big breeds and bred to grow fast. At that age they were as big as my bantams! That was around the time my cat decided they weren't worthy of her attention.
My two were in my room in the basement for about 12 weeks
During that time the cats would poke paws and shove faces up against the cage. The chicks NEVER passed up an opportunity to show them who was boss. These days the cats definitely know their place.
Mine were 6 weeks when we got them. 1 week in the coop and then opened the coop and let them run on the side of the house and now the run is open to the back yard for grass, bugs and just free range around under supervision and when I leave they go back on the side behind the locked gate.
Defend themselves against what? They'll never be big enough to stand up to a dog/coyote and right now they would be an easy meal for a hawk. So, it's really more a matter of how much risk you are comfortable with taking. You can also consider things like how many predators you see in your area, whether you have a rooster or other guard animal, and whether you have a lot of cover around for them to hide if needed. But really, it's mostly about how you will feel when you lose one (and if you range, it will happen eventually -- of course, it will also happen if you don't

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