When Will It End?

Look into school nurse opportunites, the school schedule may help... And if not in the nursing area, is there any other school job that might work out? I know, as a teacher, it has sure been nice to have a similar schedule.

Best wishes - been there - doing much of the same. Only I work and DH is on disability retirement. My step - mom keeps asking - He can't go back to work?" 5 years and she has not figured that out. He can't even go to a college football game to watch our sons play in the band without paying for it for the next couple of days. <sigh>

Good thoughts and prayers for blessings coming your way.
We're about an hour and 25 minutes away from University of Pittsburgh, unfortunately.

We're about 20 minutes north of Butler.

I'd LOVE to have a position like that, though.

I am so sorry for your troubles. I worked and if it's any consolation my children have done really well. One is a major in the airforce and has his master degree, another is a computer enginer, another a much loved school teacher. THings never stay the same and when things are bad that is nice to remember. You will be in my prayers, Jean
I know how you feel.

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