When will my girls start to lay?


12 Years
Dec 3, 2007
Southern Maine
Hi all...

I bought three little chicks through the mail in April (Plymouths). When should I expect them to start laying? Seems that they are running late by all I can read...

They will lay when......THEY are ready! lol Mine started at 22 weeks and with cold temps coming and the daylight short, I was very surprised.
What breed(s) do you have? The big full bodied girls take a lot longer to get to the egg laying. Most of their energy is concentrated on building their body.
I have an 8 month old EE/Ameraucana who has yet to lay. I read all the "when are my birds gonna lay" posts and I have seen people answer as old as 10 months. So they really do lay when THEY are good and ready...no matter how many times a day we check the nesting box.
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I have a Barred Plymouth Rock, and Partridge Plymouth Rock and a Golden Laced Wyandotte.......all of them now as big as my original two chickens (Ancon and Golden sex linked)

i have some rhode islands and it has taken them over a year to start. just had my first four eggs the other day .take your time because they will.lol try to give them some calcium up egg shells but i usaly bake them up first and then smash them a bit
Out of my young pullets' group, one of the three RIRs just laid her first egg today at 28 weeks. The Barred Rocks of that group started at 21 weeks old or so, followed by the New Hampshires, then the Welsummers. The oldest one is 33 weeks old, an Easter Egger, and I believe she did lay an egg or two under the roosts, because I found some light greenish ones there. I just havent caught her doing it yet. The remaining two RIRs and the Ameraucanas are the oldest hold-outs. The youngest ones are Panda (BR/Blue Amer) who is now laying her green eggs, and Vada (GLW) and Shadow, my banty Cochin, both 24 weeks old. Can't wait for Shadow's little egg!

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