When will my khaki Campbell ducks lay


Nov 1, 2017
I have 10 Khaki Campbell/Saxony crossed ducks(6 male and 4 female) and they will be 18 weeks old on Monday November 6th, 2017. I heard many different things about them laying, but most people said that they should be laying already or very close to it. I feed them a mix of scratch and layer pellets, and try to keep the bowl full, am I doing something wrong? When should they start laying? What exactly should I feed them? They destroyed everything that's green already, no grass and just dirt with a kiddie pool and a couple trees, they live in probably a 40x40 enclosure with a 2 magpie ducks(male and female that are still young) and 2 muscovy ducks(male and female and she should lay shortly as well). I will be adding another 20x20 section to it next month and I live in Charlotte NC, so will it get cold enough to where I should also give them heat?
I have 5 khaki hens and 1 drake....they were a yr old this past June....they started laying at 17-18wks, but with the Saxony genes mixed in it could be a little different. I'm not familiar with Saxony at all, so not sure if they are a seasonal laying breed or not. It will depend on which genes are dominant in the cross as to when they would start to lay. Being in NC you won't have to have a heat source for them, they will be fine. When it does get cold....below 20°F....I would vive them an extra inch of bedding they can nestle in and if not in a building, windbreaks on the 2 prevailing sides open to the coldest and dominant winds....here in Ms it is North and East. About the eggs, I'd just give it some more time and expect to see them anyday, but could be 20-25 wks or next Spring...just depending on which genes are dominant....:)
They don't need layer pellets ever...Not Chickens...Kidney and liver issues can happen...If not laying eggs not good for Chickens either...
Locate a Duck feed or all flock feed and provide oyster shell in a separate dish...
Your Ducks are young and should start laying around 5 to 6 months old ...
so you are saying that it isn't good for my chickens or ducks? So you are saying not feed my ducks layer pellets or scratch? and not to feed my chickens the layer pellets?
I think what chickens really is saying is you can give them regular game bird feed all the time. And when they start laying, you can put a bowl of oyster shells next to the feed. The ducks who are laying will naturally go for the shells when needed. And the ducks who aren’t laying won’t get the unnecessary calcium.
I think what chickens really is saying is you can give them regular game bird feed all the time. And when they start laying, you can put a bowl of oyster shells next to the feed. The ducks who are laying will naturally go for the shells when needed. And the ducks who aren’t laying won’t get the unnecessary calcium.
Yes....Exactly what I meant....Thanks...:highfive:
Thanks guys, and 4 of them started laying already, thanks for all the help... I also found someone selling grains locally around here, he has whole Barley, shelled corn, whole oats, game bird pellets(24%), roasted soybeans, black oil sunflower, whole wheat, barley; buckwheat; millet red or white; oats; Peas winter, field, maple; red milo sorghum; roasted soybeans; safflower; small yellow corn; sunflower small oil; thistle black niger seed vetch; wheat; white milo or keifer and red grit... What would be the best for my chickens, and what would be best for my ducks???
My Campbell's are mating and were only hatched in August. Will they start laying at 3 months?
More than likely 4 months or older. My Indian Runners were mating at 4 months and began to lay at 4.5 months.
Pictures are always welcomed.

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