When will my rooster begin to crow?

My red sex link roo crowed in the morning at 5 months, the strangled cat sound. After about two weeks of that, he now crows loud and long all day.
Do you have other older roosters? If so, your baby might wait a bit longer before crowing. I have some black australorps that are 10 weeks old and I haven't heard from them yet but I have many older roosters. It seems like the younger ones are always a bit hesitant to crow with older guys around. Your baby will crow when he gets ready and, yes, it will first sound like he is strangling. It will soon turn into a regular crow with a bit of practice. Enjoy!
Mine started to crow a couple of weeks ago. He's about 3 months old now, still hasn't found his voice quite yet, but the volume seems to be increasing week by week. He's a Partridge Rock. He sounds so funny right now.
Ours has been practicing for a week or two now (only dh hears him because he is the one that opens up the door in the am while I am still fast asleep) but today we heard him crow a few times. He's almost 12 weeks old. He sounds adorable.
i have 2 BR roos apprx. 15 weeks old. one today started trying to get fresh with a couple of the pullets. But no crowing yet, altho i thought i heard an attempt a few weeks ago, but nuthin since!
Interesting thread, I was wondering the same thing
My Silver Sebright Smidge, who it is clear now IS a rooster, I think tried to crow the other morning. I was outside taking care of morning dog chores and thought I heard a really weird bird. I looked around but didn't see anything, and all of the chickens were standing there like everything was normal. Went back to work and heard it again. Looked around some more, still not seeing anything and all chickens standing there like nothing unusual was going on. It was a hoarse croaky type call. I finally realized that it was Smidge trying to crow! Wish I was closer to their yard when it happened so I could tell for sure. Never heard that sound before (we've been here a year), and haven't heard it since. He is 8 weeks old today, and adorable!!!
Our SLW roo started crowing around 12-14 weeks. The first attempts really worried our dogs. Sounded like a cross between a baby's cry and a sheep. Once he was all tuned up, however, there was no turning back. He starts up consistently at 4:40 a.m. and crows throughout the day until sunset. Fortunately, our neighbors like the noise

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