When will she give birth

People like that don't go to jail, they get summoned to court then fined...so then they're very angry about being fined and/or missing work to go to court. When they get back home from that, they take their anger out on the poor anmal, then try to figure out who could've reported them. Just be careful. You mentioned there aren't many other neighbors around, odds are even though they may be nasty, uncaring jerks, with no compassion or sense of responsibility for a pregnant pet that should have been spayed in the first place, they are not so stupid that they won't look around & realize that odds are the person that reported them must live close by them. That poor dog definitely needs a better home, but you don't know exactly what those people are capable of. You also don't know if that poor dog may have microchip ID, which is standard for most dogs that have ever spent time at an SPCA, Humane Assoc or rescue facility. Just be careful.
But if that happens they know they could get called back to court/arrested again

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