When will they lay?!?


Jul 23, 2019
Canton, GA
Getting so anxious!! 3 of 7 are laying. My Marans and Old English Game hens are a year old and laying, my True Green Whiting started at 4-1/2 months, when will the rest of my girls start? I’ve got a Light Brahma, 3 Wyandotte’s all 5 months old. Agh, I can’t stand the anticipation!!!!!
Those breeds generally start anywhere from 5-10 months. If you switched already to a lower protein layer you can delay maturity. This time of year maturity will come slower too which isn't a bad thing. It's better if birds mature more before starting to lay.
Getting so anxious!! 3 of 7 are laying. My Marans and Old English Game hens are a year old and laying, my True Green Whiting started at 4-1/2 months, when will the rest of my girls start? I’ve got a Light Brahma, 3 Wyandotte’s all 5 months old. Agh, I can’t stand the anticipation!!!!!
I know what you mean! I got 3 pullets who are now 6 months, and the Welsummer is the first to lay, I'm still waiting for the Brown Leghorn and the EE! I never expected the Leghorn to take so long!

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