When will they lay?????

Our four Black Austrolorps will be 23 weeks on October 2nd and still NOTHING. I get anywhere near them and rather than squating, they run like their tails are on fire. I switched them to layer organic feed around week 18/19 as I thought that's what I was supposed to do. I hope that's not causing any issues. We go out to the coop each morning and afternoon hoping to find a gift but so far, nothing. I even tell them each day to start earning their keep. Hurry, hens, hurry!
My buffs were about 25 weeks. It was agony waiting! The crowns get redder right before laying begins. Mine never did the squatting thing.
This waiting thing is tough! I've had several flocks of Red Sex-links over the last 30 years but have not had a laying flock in quite some time now. I talked constantly to my (non-farming) boyfriend for the last couple of years about how great fresh eggs are and that we should give it a try. He finally got on board and built a coop. Went to Rural King and bought 24 pullets. 7 Black Austrolorps, 7 Aracaunas (that's what they were listed as, but probably Americaunas or Easter-Eggers), 7 Silver-Lace Wyandottes and 3 RIR's. I've never had a more colorful flock! BUT...!...After 24 weeks now we're only getting 1 small egg from one of the Wyandottes every other day! My BF is NOT impressed ;-) All this after I went on and on about how quickly my previous flocks laid - my last flock of Red Sex-links started laying at 16 weeks!

Like a previous poster, I can't help but wonder if I'm doing something wrong?! These girls have the best of everything - layer mash, treats, plenty of room in the predator proof coop and protected run, several hours of free-range every afternoon/evening - the life of Riley! It's getting hard to be patient!
I a
This waiting thing is tough! I've had several flocks of Red Sex-links over the last 30 years but have not had a laying flock in quite some time now. I talked constantly to my (non-farming) boyfriend for the last couple of years about how great fresh eggs are and that we should give it a try. He finally got on board and built a coop. Went to Rural King and bought 24 pullets. 7 Black Austrolorps, 7 Aracaunas (that's what they were listed as, but probably Americaunas or Easter-Eggers), 7 Silver-Lace Wyandottes and 3 RIR's. I've never had a more colorful flock! BUT...!...After 24 weeks now we're only getting 1 small egg from one of the Wyandottes every other day! My BF is NOT impressed ;-) All this after I went on and on about how quickly my previous flocks laid - my last flock of Red Sex-links started laying at 16 weeks!

Like a previous poster, I can't help but wonder if I'm doing something wrong?! These girls have the best of everything - layer mash, treats, plenty of room in the predator proof coop and protected run, several hours of free-range every afternoon/evening - the life of Riley! It's getting hard to be patient!

I couldn't agree with you more!!!!
I know patience is a virtue.... But I'm slowly losing my virtue!!
Good luck. I know am needing all I can get.
The squatting thing for me is what confuses me most. Reason I say is my chickens will somewhat gather round me if I go and sit in the run, but for me trying to pick one up.... Fuh getta bout it!!!! They dart, quickly I might add, in many directions. Catching them for wing clippings is a chore!!!
Guess you should try doing wing clippings at nite?
I am also wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I have 7 hens (RIR, and black ast.) all about 28 weeks old and NOTHING! They get layer food, plenty of water, nice clean coop, free range, etc.... I'm losing my patience with these girls and now with fall and winter coming up I'm worried I'm never gonna see an egg. Is there anything else I should be doing???
Frustrated in Georgia
I am also wondering if I'm doing something wrong. I have 7 hens (RIR, and black ast.) all about 28 weeks old and NOTHING! They get layer food, plenty of water, nice clean coop, free range, etc.... I'm losing my patience with these girls and now with fall and winter coming up I'm worried I'm never gonna see an egg. Is there anything else I should be doing???
Frustrated in Georgia
At 28 weeks, I think they are laying somewhere. Most who free range keep them confined until they learn to lay in the nests and then begin letting them out. Can you keep them in for mornings and see what happens?
I am also wondering if I'm doing something wrong.  I have 7 hens (RIR, and black ast.) all about 28 weeks old and NOTHING!  They get layer food, plenty of water, nice clean coop, free range, etc.... I'm losing my patience with these girls and now with fall and winter coming up I'm worried I'm never gonna see an egg.  Is there anything else I should be doing???
Frustrated in Georgia

I'm also in Georgia!!! Perhaps it's something in our water and stuff. :)
I'm in southeast Georgia. What do you feed? I'm feeding a layer pellet from a local feed and seed.
I give scratch grain regularly... Free range time... Clean coop... Etc...
My RIR's will be right at 6 months around the 20th of October. My Buff's will be 6 months around the first week of October.
I'm at a loss.
Are you seeing loose feathers in the run?
Have you heard the egg song??
I have 12 who I am waiting on . I have a mix of RIR, RB's and one white one that I don't know what it is. They are 20 weeks today. My last bunch of chicks which was 5 years ago started laying around 22-25 weeks. It was mid Oct when they started and they never missed a day of laying for 8 months. I have 3 older hens , 1 year who lay in the egg boxes so I hope my younger ones follow their lead. I have been keeping them in the yard next to the coop so they don't start laying in the bushes and fields. I let them range in the evenings. My older hens will go back to the coop to lay even if I let them out at 6 am. Just waiting and waiting .. It will happen I promise.
Update on my four non-laying black Austrolorps. I went out last night to close up the coop and as I went to reach down to touch one of the hens, she squated down into this weird position. I have new hope! The other three aren't doing it yet but they can't be too far behind. I'm hoping to find an egg today or tomorrow!

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