When Will They Start Laying?


8 Years
Mar 1, 2014
Yesterday was the first day I witnessed my cockerel (RIR) successfully mount one of my my pullets (a BR). I saw it happen again this morning (the same BR), when I let them out to free range. They are all a little over 19 weeks old, 1 of them (a BR) has been squatting consistently, the other three (BR, BR and RIR), more or less have been. They already have big red combs and wattles, lots of red around the ears. No egg song yet, and they haven't had a spike in vocality lately. Any other signs I should look out for? When do you think they will start laying? Who will lay first?
I think yours should start soon! One of mine started two days ago and they are 20 weeks old.
I didn't see any squatting or anything before the first egg.
I have a Black sex link, Brown sex link, Australorp and a Silkie. I'm pretty sure that it's my Brown sex link that's laying the eggs. I've gotten two and I think I should get another one today.
I found out that my Brown sex link is the one laying for sure and that she was laying in a secret nest that I found five eggs in. I was wondering why I only got a egg when she was locked up in the coop! My Black sex link and Brown sex link are both squatting now even though my Brown sex link is already laying.
My Leghorn just laid her first egg at 22 weeks old. No singing at all. All four of them cluck a lot whenever we are out there with them, but we never heard any song in the morning. This morning I went out to check at 7:00am and nothing. Later, about 9:30am, my husband texted me that we got another egg and he heard nothing before hand.

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